Wednesday, December 19, 2007

save electricity - why i?

all of us know that we have to save electricity but why we are not doing that???

many thoughts strike our mind but the one that is most shocking is that

most of us think that we own the power we use...
like we pay the taxes and we own the gov...
same here... we pay the bill and we own it... its up to us how to use it...
why other ppl are telling us what to do and what not to...

but the big ques is that are u really paying for all the things u are using...

*some of us think that we can use electricity as we want as we are paying for it.

* have u ever thought about all the things u should pay before just leaving
the light bulb switched on in the room when u dont need it.

* we all know that the air gets polluted in the procedure of generation of electricity

--- so are we paying for the health bill of a person which gets sick due to the polluted

--- are we paying enough to the farmers whose lands are taken by the gov to construct the
power generation plant to meet the current power needs.

--- are we paying to that student whose progress hampers due to the power cuts due to the wastage of electricity...


---- if we really try to save electricity we can... just we have to be more sincere about that...

--- if every incadecent lamp of the world is changed to CFL than we can provide electricity to every
house of the earth as the current needs will drop down to the current production.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


1).What are zero energy buildings?

But more often low energy consuming buildings , buildings using renewable energy sources(most of the energy requirements) comes in thiscategory.

Here are few common definitions to define it according to the global customs.

Common definitions

1.) Net zero energy emissions.

2.) Net zero energy cost.

3.) Net zero site energy.

4.) Net zero primary energy use.

In any case, we can make energy use zero (in a complete cycle of energy use and purchase) if we go for grid system that is supplying energy to central grid when on-site production of energy is more than the utilization of energy , so that it can be used by others or it can be stored there on-site itself for future use.

The zero energy goal can be achieved by using any of the renewable energy source (not only GREEN ENERGY SOURCE!)


The energy produced at site is equal to the energy used by the same round a year.


Net zero energy cost relates to the price of energy. In such a building, the cost of purchasing energy is balanced by income from sales of electricity to the grid of electricity generated on-site.


A net zero energy emission building produces as much energy from renewable sources of energy as it takes from energy source producing energy (off-site or on –site)from non renewable energy sources.


The energy produced at the site using energy should be greater than required so that it can be exported to the grid.So that the energy waste(fossil fuel efficiency is less than 40%and there are looses in transmission loses) can be overcome.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Alternative >> Renewable Sources

To be considered as a renewable energy source, the energy source, or “fuel”, must be replaced by natural processes at a rate that is equal to, or faster than, the rate at which the energy source is consumed.

Renewable energy has an important role to play in reducing Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions - a major Community objective.

Increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy balance enhances sustainability. It also helps to improve the security of energy supply by reducing the Community's growing dependence on imported energy sources.

Renewable energy sources are expected to be economically competitive with conventional energy sources in the medium to long term.

Solar, biomass, geothermal, wind and low-impact hydro are considered as eligible
green power resources due to their respective environmental benefits and expressed consumer preference.

The need for Community support for Renewable Energy is clear. Several of the technologies, especially wind energy, but also small-scale hydro power, energy from biomass, and solar thermal applications, are economically viable and competitive. The others, especially photovoltaic (silicon module panels directly generating electricity from the sun’s light raher than heat), depend only on rapidly increasing demand and thus production volume to achieve the economy of scale necessary for competitiveness with central generation.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


The first and the foremost place where you need to save energy is the place you live; your "home".
Every thing you use , use it efficiently.
The reasons for saving energy in your home are twofold. First, and foremost, it benefits the entire energy grid. If everyone is consuming less energy, less power needs to be created, which, in turn, is generally better for the environment. The second and more selfish reason is that it saves you money and everyone loves to save money.
And when you know you are in India where lacs of villages are still under darkness; you need to think upon.
Save every "bit" of it.
For saving energy @home you can have a quick search on "Efficient ways of saving energy" or something like "top 10 tips on saving Energy" or maybe some other phrase relative to your search.
Our main point of discussion on saving energy is due to the energy crisis being faced all over globally and to be specific , the developing countries like India.

Taking up electricity(without any formal data here..) we already know that in contrast to the bright glowing cities of skyscrapers we also have on earth certain parts which still are dark.We need to save energy on our part so that its possible to reach out to those places and provide them with the infrastucture and the facilities.
Talking about water, Indian municipalities are facing the challenges of acute water shortage, increasing population and rising power tariffs. Presently only about two-thirds of the urban population has direct access to clean, affordable and reliable water services(think of the rural poulation!!!).
Lack of reliable water supply affects urban populations in multiple ways, having detrimental health impacts and significant social and economic costs. Energy costs constitute up to 60-70 percent of an Indian municipality’s total cost of pumping water to its residents. This financial constraint, coupled with inadequate or antiquated infrastructure and the lack of adequate managerial and technical capacities, greatly limits the ability of municipalities to improve water services. More efficient water delivery systems can translate into measurable energy savings due to reduced pumping requirements. Yet, most municipalities are unaware of the benefits available through water and energy efficiency.
These challenges are further compounded by the lack of state level policies to encourage municipalities to implement water and energy efficiency measures to improve service and reduce costs.

Thus, we can see how individual energy saving is important for us not being selfish and also safeguarding our own future(a bit selfish now...!!)

Happy Energy Saving!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Energy Conservation; How does it matter anyway!!

Energy is one of the most fundamental parts of our universe.
We use energy to do work. Energy lights our cities. Energy powers our vehicles, trains, planes and rockets. Energy warms our homes, cooks our food, plays our music, gives us pictures on television. Energy powers machinery in factories and tractors on a farm.

Energy from the sun gives us light during the day. It dries our clothes hanging outside on a clothes line [;-)]. It helps plants grow. Energy stored in plants is eaten by animals, giving them energy. And predator animals eat their prey, which gives the predator animal energy.

Remember the Pyramid !!

Yes, it's important to learn it and remember it, in the simplest of words;

Everything we do is connected to energy in one form or another, "it's the ability to do work"

Thus => "Save Energy"